Bakti Desa or we usually called it "Bakdes" is an annual internal SMAN 3 Bandung's program. This is the program that we go to the village for 3 days or more and we do any activities with the people at that village.This activity has been held for many years.
Bakti Desa was held on 3rd of January till the 5th of January.
On Thursday morning,we all gathered in SMAN 3 to get ready to go ride the public transportation called angkot.The trip is about 2 hours and i really enjoyed it.Then after we arrived to Desa Cibereum,we then wait for the others to come.Then we're ordered to gather in Balai Desa to do a soft opening for this programme.At noon,we had our lunch and we all ate ricebox.After we finished eating,we went to our houses in the village.Our houses are a bit far a way from the Balai Desa and it was very tiring because we all carried our heavy bag but its extremely okay and fine for us.Then when we arrived,we were picked up by the host mom and ready to lead us to her house.After that,she prepared all for us to rest and nap.
Finally we get to ask our host mom about her life ..So her name is Mrs.Narli and she's a shopkeeper and her husband works as a gardener
and i found out that Mrs.Narli had married since she went to highschool..
At the end of the day,we all prayed in the mosque which is near our house.
On the second day,we went to the traditional market with Mrs.Narli with motorcycle.Then we finally get to help Mrs Narli to make us breakfast.We made fried chicken with very typical chilli.After that, went to Balai Desa to do some activities with other classes.We learned a lot on how they create technological innovation in propagating potato seeds from potato fruit.Then the head of thie programme gave us free time and we used it to explore the village and get to know people that live there.It was an amazing day for us.
On our last day,my class decided to go on a trip to Citarum River,then we gathered in the morning and we went by kolbak.It was very fun as we enjoyed it so far.We start sharing our stories with our host parent to our classmates.When we arrived at the destination,we started walking along the river.The scenery is beautiful and we get to take pictures and it was a great moment.After about an hour,we were asked to leave because we must packed our things up.
Bakti Desa was held on 3rd of January till the 5th of January.
On Thursday morning,we all gathered in SMAN 3 to get ready to go ride the public transportation called angkot.The trip is about 2 hours and i really enjoyed it.Then after we arrived to Desa Cibereum,we then wait for the others to come.Then we're ordered to gather in Balai Desa to do a soft opening for this programme.At noon,we had our lunch and we all ate ricebox.After we finished eating,we went to our houses in the village.Our houses are a bit far a way from the Balai Desa and it was very tiring because we all carried our heavy bag but its extremely okay and fine for us.Then when we arrived,we were picked up by the host mom and ready to lead us to her house.After that,she prepared all for us to rest and nap.
Finally we get to ask our host mom about her life ..So her name is Mrs.Narli and she's a shopkeeper and her husband works as a gardener
- They have two children,named Wati and Wahdan.
- Wati is in islamic boarding school,and Wahdan is in the first grade
- Everyday..usually Ms.Narlis take care of her mini shop (warung) and sometimes she also helps her family to be a gardener if shes called
- Mr Jajang usually come home twice a week to earn a living in a garden in Ciparay,which is long way from home
- Income : Ms.Narlis earn 25rb for 6 hours of working in the garden,and in her minishop..there are only few of snacks and drinks bcs they dont have enough money to supply it.So lack of interest
At the end of the day,we all prayed in the mosque which is near our house.
On our last day,my class decided to go on a trip to Citarum River,then we gathered in the morning and we went by kolbak.It was very fun as we enjoyed it so far.We start sharing our stories with our host parent to our classmates.When we arrived at the destination,we started walking along the river.The scenery is beautiful and we get to take pictures and it was a great moment.After about an hour,we were asked to leave because we must packed our things up.
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