My Last Holiday

What i did on my holiday

Holiday are the best time to relax and enjoy,

I got a different experience from my previous holiday activities.I  joined 'Junior Filmmaker Camp' that was held in Masjid Salman ITB,Bandung.Although at a glance this activity tends to be identical with the thematic Sanlat that always been held ramadhan, but there is some different content.This activity tend to be more flexible,so its not just about religion.
Junior Filmmaker Camp is a unique and fun activity to fill a child's holiday. Because in addition to gaining knowledge and new friends, they can also produce the work, which is their own short film.The making of short films by the participants will be guided directly by the director and screenwriter of Iqro 1 Movie (Adventure Achieving Stars) and Iqro 2 (My Universe) and his crew.
Variety of activities:
- Study and review the Qur'an
- Workshop Development
- Scenario writing workshop
- Cinematography Workshop
- Audio Film Workshop
- Film Editing Workshop

Every year,me and all my cousins always participate the 'Pesantren Kilat'.
Pesantren Kilat (Sanlat) is a short duration study program which is generally divided into two categories namely Pondok Ramadhan and Pesantren Kilat Non-Ramadan. This program is suitable to be followed by teenagers who want to learn basic religious knowledge.

 But last holiday,only me who participated pesantren kilat because all my cousins were so busy


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